ZM - HUD Pack Buried/Origins/Motd
@frenzies Np
man i don't know how change de HDU
I.BEAR.I read the post !
Naomi_ men, i don't good for English but u say "U just need to choice the hub u want, replace the name by" but i stupid :c and i don't know i like re name of the images ? i don't know i try on li put on images and nothing
I.BEAR.I Like you see the images?
Take like the 9, its " Ace emblem "
You just need to take this 9.iwi (9) and remplace the name by this :hud_buried_dpad - For buried
hud_tomb_dpad - For origins
hud_hell_dpad - For motdAfter the rename, just put the image in your images folder.
Naomi_ Hi, is there a way for this to work on Die Rise and Town?
Naomi_ Hi, can I get a link to the hud? I've been looking for it for a while.
Hey link down
link doesn't work
hi, able to reupload the dl link? it doesnt work anymore. thanks!