help server linux "'24' is not a valid value for dvar 'sv_maxclients'"
hello .. i've been trying to run a T6 server on linux for at least 10 hours .. ubuntu . everything was going fine until i got this error "'24' is not a valid value for dvar 'sv_maxclients'" .. on windows i solved it, but on linux not .. i think it's the launcher file, this is what it contains .. please help with this i don't know what else to do .. the files are all up to date
This is a normal error, it doesn't actually cause issues and can be ignored
thanks for your quick reply! but ..shouldn't it show "Sending heartbeat...
Heartbeat successful." ? it seems not to be beating .. the server name doesn't appear at the top of the console either .. like it does in windows and previously in linux you could also see the server name .. it also seems that more dvars are missing to load in the console .. i.e. in windows .. in windows they load all these dvars after what they load in linux .. it never gets to "map_rotate" or what follows below ...Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_mp
"sv_mapRotation" is: "execgts dom.cfg map mp_nuketown_2020"
"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is: ""
Executing gts cfg: dom.cfg.
Setting map: mp_nuketown_2020.
execing dom.cfg
execing gamesettings_default.cfg
completed execing gamesettings_default.cfg
execing gamesettings_dom.cfg
completed execing gamesettings_dom.cfg
execing mp/gamesettings_default.cfg
completed execing mp/gamesettings_default.cfg
execing mp/gamesettings_dom.cfg
completed execing mp/gamesettings_dom.cfg
Unknown command "scr_deleteexplosivesonspawn"
completed execing dom.cfg
DB_FlushGump 0
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 1
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 2
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 3
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
Built adjacency info for IPaks 23ms
Unloading fastfile ui_mp
Unloading fastfile patch_ui_mp
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/dvarleftrightselector.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/team_marinesopfor.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/class.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/menus/optionscontrols.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/menus/optionssettings.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/menus/safeareamenu.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/scoreboard.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/spectateplayercard.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/loading.lua
Sending heartbeat...
It doesn't appear in the server list.
Ghy54- no idea, are you 100% sure the port is correct, no firewall is blocking it, no apps/other server using that port already that's running etc
This post is deleted!
It seems that the ports are closed .. =(