Tranzit Reimagined 2025 | Stable Version 2025 Jan. 30th | Warmer Days Update
AWESOME! You're literally the
Moi moi! How would one play this? seems different to your nuketown2.0 setup, which i was only able to do from your handy little video tutorial
could someone please let me know how to install this bad boi of a mod.
SmellyMason Put in
Vitrolic Wither
We played with my friends just fine.
Don't use other mods while playing tranzit revamped since tranzit revamped already pushes the engine to it's limits.Also make sure that your connection is stable. This mod truly taxes the engine.
Cawldwink I appreciate it boss
DynamicDominator extract downloaded zip file to %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\mods\
then load Tranzit Revamped from "mods" menu -
Ultimateman i have done that and i still cant find it even tho is says mod loaded
YE-Capalxt Hey, feel free to join our discord group.
Let's get you sorted out that with the correct file path if you're still wondering how to install the mod. -
YE-Capalxt video tutorial:
trying to play coop crashes both our games
YES!!! FINALLY MY FOKIN BOI GOT A FRESH PAINT im balls deep into this bliatch lovely work man wish you the best of lucks
is this playable on steam bo2? not that i would play it on steam, just asking. Well done btw, did not expect this to show up on the forum feed as its really caught my attention
You can't.
Nookit115 dm me on discord and let's get you and your friend sorted out.
GhostRider0125 haha yeeaah boii about a time! I'm glad youre enjoying it, gg!
the mod is awesome!!! one question, whenever my buddy and i were playing neither of us could see powerups on our screen (anywhere in the UI) is this a known issue or is there a console command or setting we can do to bring those back!? if so let me know! (cant see when we have a double points or an insta kill, icons)
How i didnt saw this at release, goddamn
Awesome. -
Nickchiponfire Thanks man, I appreciate it!
Yeah the power up icons are not shown due to other hud elements taking so much "resources" from the renderware.
Whenever theres a double points or an insta kill active, theres a quiet tinning sound that the game always plays for the players.
Sadly this is your only que of knowing that said power ups are active, other than the announcer announcing it.Other way would be to disable all custom huds and bringing back the old system. But I feel like the mod benefits / requires the custom hud elems for other easter egg stuff etc
AdrX003 haha no worries! I hope you enjoy it!