[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]
stevewithjeves you need the scripts from my github, the original files have been outdated. Also the t6r version doesn't work anymore.
I suggest you waiting till this Saturday when my new version of Tranzit Reimagined is released.
You can check out the trailer for what's coming at here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MmFCp_UHA0&ab_channel=Ultimateman -
Ultimateman Thank you, I thought I was going crazy. Hyped to play the updated version for myself, it looks awesome!
stevewithjeves Here's a little treat showcasing the newly implemented hud
Hope you like it
Ultimateman zamn
was there a bug that moved it to tomorrow?
for your old tranzit reimagined mod it doesnt come with custom camos for the weapons does it? I currently have camos for weapons already installed and i dont want them replaced
also, is the installation process the same?
FaZe Flick Old version of my tranzit reimagined needs to be installed as follows:
- Grab the source files from my github page.
- Place the source files ( gsc files ) to your storage/t6/scripts/zm/zm_transit.
- Place the custom tranzit reimagined textures to storage/t6/images/.
This version does not have any weapon skin modifications etc.
This purely has:Custom Textures ( excluding weapon skins )
Day & Night Cycle
No Lava
No Denizens
Infinite Stamina
Unlimited JetgunThis mod is a lot shittier than my newly made tranzit, don't know why you would play this over the new one.
Oh well each to their own.
Enjoy. -
Ultimateman been thinking about adding it to my game because i dont wanna deal with the lava and zombies on fire in town. To also mentioned i crashed pretty early on your new tranzit mod and I think it was because of how the zombies were running or the fx every time they spawned; couldve been both whereas old reimagined tranzit i can go higher than round 43
FaZe Flick Did you have any other scripts running while playing tranzit revamped 2024?
Just did a playthru yesterday and got to round 46 while completing all the things in the map. ( Only the revamped mod / scripts were active )
And no, I didn't crash, I simply chose to do the endgame in the mod -
Ultimateman I believe so, I had about a few gsc scripts running while playing your new mod, could that be the reason for the 43 crash?
FaZe Flick i would only play a mod loaded+ custom scripts in that folder only for very specific development stuff. its better to play the mods in the way they were compiled instead of trying to load alot of other stuff that will very likely crash cause theres alot of other custom GSC already loaded in.
Ultimateman Do you know how to eliminate lava damage??
Thamk you very much for all and merry christmas!! -
Juanchiliv Yeah I do know. I made a new tranzit mod a few weeks back. Check out the source code for my lava boots. Step 3 will unlock "lava ignoring" for player
https://github.com/DevUltimateman/tranzit_revamped_2024 -
Ultimateman I mean about a gsc file to eliminate lava damage, because the old zm_transit_lava.gsc does not work to me. Do you know what i can do?
Thanks for your time. -
Juanchiliv check out my tranzit revamped mod. it has a file called "sq_fire_boots". It will have func in step 3 that disabled lava damage for said playa
how to dwoland
leonzo I don't recommend downloading this anymore since Tranzit Revamped is out. Check it out from my profile instead.
However if you want to use this version, just dl it from the forum link or from github -
Hey man, first of all thank u so much for this massive mod, second, I had to re-download BO2 and when I tried to insert the folders in their right place idk why but the game its the same. And I know u have a new Tranzit mod (which is also awesome, I've tried it) but I just liked the map so much with no lava, the blue-ish colour instead of red and so on. Can u help why it just doesnt work?