Bot Warfare - More Waypoints
Having made waypoints for MeatBot for CoD2 before, I decided to try my hand at making waypoints for Bot Warfare and I think they've turned out to be pretty nice. Hope you enjoy.
-> Download here <-
Waypoints created for the following maps:
- mp_mohdm7 - First map I've created waypoints for. The bots do not know how to operate doors, so unfortunately, this map doesn't play well. Even though I've added mp_mohdm7 to the exception for the door open hack in _bot_internal.gsc, they still won't open doors.
- mp_mohdm6 - Second map. I think this one turned out pretty nice.
- mp_farmhouse2 - This one turned out pretty nice, too. However, it is not as fun to play with bots, because they can see (and will shoot) through the hedges.
- mp_railyrd - This one plays great with bots. There are a few errors in my waypoints which I would love to fix, but when I load the map again with bots_main_debug 0, I get the error: "Stack overflow: Too many embedded function calls."
- mp_rostov - Plays really well with bots. Has a surprisingly small amount of waypoints.
- mp_cw_rocket - Turned out nice, but sometimes the corridors in the bunker are too narrow, which results in bots teamkilling each other.
Waypoints improved/fixed for the following maps:
- mp_wolftown -> Added waypoints to some spawn points where bots would otherwise get stuck. I hope the original creator doesn't mind.
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