Critical lost of multiplayer progress
I've been playing bo2 multiplayer for these days and noticed that after re-launching the game it won't save my latest progress, it was always small stuff like some stats, levels, loadout settings, etc. But after hours of grinding and completing a big amount of challenges and losing all that progress it is now starting to annoy me.
Is this a constant problem for all the community? If so, is there a way to fix it? Been enjoying the game but now this just makes it unplayable.
Really hope I get the requested help this time.
Well, according to this thread, there should be an update soon.
Anyway I also saw this behaviour. Is not affecting many as people do not try "prestige" when they reach the max level.
Very annoying. -
Giemmeffe Not only affecting prestige mode levels, it also includes loss in weapon levels, unlocks, challenges, anything progress saving related, I'm sure it also loses the kills and wins, but I don't frequently check on that
Same here, i get 10 or so levels up. try to change settings and use `~ uploadstats and still lose it every time
Plis any solution for this problem??? Is very frustrating.....:((