[ZM] Simple Scripts
Just sharing my Black Ops 2 Zombie scripts setup for solo. They all works.
Nuketown Perks Manager
(https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/37657/zm-release-nuketown-perks-manager)Put the Nuketown perks manager script in:
- Remove the Fog
init() { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); setdvar( "r_fog", "0" ); } }
Put this script in:
C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm\zm_transitBonus Script
No Perks Limit.
Total Zombie Counter (set to Bottom Center).
On Tranzit - Doors stay open after using the Turbine.
On Origins - You can walk/run normally in the mud.
On Nuketown - Semtex & Double Points on First round.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); if (level.script == "zm_transit") { level.local_doors_stay_open = 1; } if (level.script == "zm_tomb") { level.a_e_slow_areas = []; } } onPlayerConnect() { for( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); level.perk_purchase_limit = 9; player thread onplayerspawned(); } } onplayerspawned() { self endon("disconnect"); self thread zombie_counter(); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if (level.script == "zm_nuked") { self thread certainroundex(); self takeweapon(self get_player_lethal_grenade()); self set_player_lethal_grenade("sticky_grenade_zm"); self giveweapon(self get_player_lethal_grenade()); self setweaponammoclip(self get_player_lethal_grenade(), 4); } } } zombie_counter() { level endon( "game_ended" ); self endon("disconnect"); flag_wait( "initial_blackscreen_passed" ); self.zombiecounter = createfontstring( "Objective", 1.7 ); self.zombiecounter setpoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 200 ); self.zombiecounter.alpha = 1; self.zombiecounter.hidewheninmenu = 1; self.zombiecounter.hidewhendead = 1; self.zombiecounter.label = &"Zombies Left: ^1"; for(;;) { if(isdefined(self.afterlife) && self.afterlife) { self.zombiecounter.alpha = 0.2; } else { self.zombiecounter.alpha = 1; } self.zombiecounter setvalue( level.zombie_total + get_current_zombie_count() ); wait 0.05; } } certainroundex() { if(level.round_number >= 1) { foreach(player in level.players) { wait 13; level thread maps\mp\zombies\_zm_powerups::double_points_powerup(self,player); player thread maps\mp\zombies\_zm_powerups::powerup_vo("double_points"); wait 20; level thread maps\mp\zombies\_zm_powerups::double_points_powerup(self,player); player thread maps\mp\zombies\_zm_powerups::powerup_vo("double_points"); } } }
Put this script in:
C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zmFor Top left Zombie Counter
Change these lines bellow the thread zombie_counter in the script:
self.zombiecounter.label = &" ^1";
self.zombiecounter setpoint( "LEFT", "CENTER", -424, -230 );
Adjust the setpoint if it does not fit. Its not that hard, it takes like 5 minutes.
Where to put scripts?
- Adding all weapons to mystery box
All mods goes in:
C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\mods -
can you make it a script that adds SMR
where can i add this to activate it
teknawiginal_sh Win+R %localappdata% plutonium>Storage>t6>scripts>Zm put the gsc file in there
samsth957 and this where can i put it
teknawiginal_sh It works automatically when you put it into scripts
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you can copy the code and put it in a text file and then change the extension to .gsc it's easy.
then you put it in your storage/t6/scripts/zm
i'm not sure what you are doing wrong but that's how you should be doing it.
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samsth957 no problem! glad you got it working.
Okay think im done with this post.
Edit: now its finished