[T6] AdrX Test Weapons first OAT Port
A simple mod adding weapons and some other stuff based of sehteria 's ZM-Weapons for me to learn the tools and all of the structure on building a mod, sent cause some friends asked me to.
Added Weapons:
- Peacekeeper (without flashlight model)
- SPAS-12
- Browning HP
- Dragunov
- M60
- Makarov
- Mauser C96 added to other maps
Stats are pretty much just test values since the mod was not meant to be playable ig.
- (Probably) More damage for Refitted 8700 Mechanical Cranium Sequencer
- (Probably) More damage and ammo for Dystopic Demolisher
- (Probably) More damage and ammo for RPG & Rocket Propelled Grievance
- 2025 ACOG is now fully covered by all PAP Camos
- Cant knife wile ADS'ing with the Boomhilda
Other Mod Additions:
- Sehteris's own ZM Perks included in
Plans for the future include pretty much adding all the guns that are not on zombies but are on all the other BO2 Modes and camo coverage for all the guns and attachments.
Will keep testing and updating stuff on my discord/other networks that can be found on bio
Thanks for the great effort
Hell yeah dude the badass SPAS makes a reture to zombies
also interested for Dragunov see how it plays especially with 2 tapCan you add Commando, PPSH M1 Grand
and the kar98 but with half of the damge of DSR no less and m1 half of kar98
if you have time for them of course
uh why isn't the weapons showing up? I got the mod in and everything and I don't see them lol
GhostRider0125 all these use their own animations wich is still not possible from what i know, everything you listed is not a black ops 2 weapon, theres is still no support for animations, so no weapons from outside the game yet.
tacobellXD u need to download and place the mod in the correct way in the folder, and make sure you loaded it in.
you can also enable cheats to get thru console commands:
with the added ones being thesebrowninghp_zm, dragunov_zm m60_zm, makarov_zm, peacekeeper_zm, spas_zm
AdrX003 are you considering making all the bo2 campaign weapons for the mod or is this just a test?
does this mod work on all maps?
PS2ABBACHIO said in [T6] AdrX Test Weapons first OAT Port:
Yeah i slowly adding all the weapons. just having some problems with a lock-on launcher ATM. gonna force it to be free-fire for the game.
ZAPlord yeah im trying to all all the guns to all the maps. pretty sure ill only be unable to mess with the wonder weapons till we find out from another modder how to do them. too hard for me.