[Release] Player bullet was off (meters) from victim
Put this in onplayerconnect:
player.first = true;
Put this in onplayerspawned and run it only once:
if (self.first) { self thread watchBullet(); self.first = false; }
Put this anywhere in your code:
watchBullet() { /* If you want the victim who about got hit on to recieve a message, you would do: player iprintln(self.name " almost hit you"); */ self endon("death"); self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("weapon_fired"); // you can edit this to your liking but this worked for me radius = 100; maxDist = 110; forward = self getTagOrigin("j_head"); end = vectorScale(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()), 1000000); predictedLoc = bulletTrace( forward, end, false, self )["position"]; foreach(player in level.players) { // found the teambased vars in a dump, probably helpful. its in there just in case (: if( !isAlive(player) || player == self || player.team == self.team && level.teamBased ) { continue; } } dist = distance(player.origin, predictedLoc); if(dist < radius && dist <= maxDist) { self iprintln("Shot ^6" + int(distance(self.origin, attacker.origin)*0.0254) + " ^7meters off of ^6" + player.name); } } }
You can edit the radius and maxDist variable but I only recommend if you know what you are doing. I don't think any external functions are needed but if you get a error at vectorScale, make sure your includes are correct or you have a vectorScale function.
Just in case you need it:
vectorScale(vec,scale) { vec=(vec[0]*scale,vec[1]*scale,vec[2]*scale); return vec; }
mikey said in [Release] Player bullet was off (meters) from victim:
Just in case you need it:
vectorScale(vec,scale) { vec=(vec[0]*scale,vec[1]*scale,vec[2]*scale); return vec; }
Last I checked you can't use a variable before initializing it and expect it to work
predictedLoc = bulletTrace( forward, end, false, self )["position"];
end = vectorScale(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()), 1000000); -
mikey To do that you can use the EB code, you can find the code for this type of EB online, is a free to use.
I don't know why you keep calling radius and mixDist for every single shoot, is not necessary.watch_player_near(){ radius = 100; for(;;) { self waittill("weapon_fired"); end = vectorScale(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()), 1000000); forward = self getTagOrigin("j_head"); predictedLoc = bulletTrace( forward, end, false, self )["position"]; foreach(player in level.players) { if( isAlive(player) && player != self || (player.team != self.team && level.teamBased) ){ if(distance(player.origin, predictedLoc) < radius) self iprintln("Shot ^6" + int(distance(self.origin, player.origin)*0.0254) + " ^7meters off of ^6" + player.name); } } } }
I don't know why you use a maximum distance, everyone can be hit if you don't have a limit (like in my servers, in my server you can hit enemy to close).
The attacker is not defined in this function. I don't know what is the point of calling the attacker. -
Matrix my bad, rushed the code and forgot to double look
Sorex my bad, i completely rushed the code and did not take a second to relook and fix stuff. i take blame