GSC error whenever I run my zombies server
JezuzLizard I tried both and it didn't work, this is the code im using , im using simple zombies
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\zombies_zm;
#include maps\mp\zombies_zm_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_message;
#include maps\mp_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
Mod: Zombies Simple MOD
Author: DoktorSAS
level.clientid = 0;
level.perk_purchase_limit = 9;
level thread onplayerconnect();
drawZombiesCounter(); //Thanks to CabConModding
for (;;){
level waittill( "connecting", player );
player.clientid = level.clientid;
player thread onplayerspawned();
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self thread AnimatedTextCUSTOMPOS("Welcome to ^1Zombies \n^7Thanks to ^5DoktorSAS", 0,-200); //Welcome Messages
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
}AnimatedTextCUSTOMPOS(text, x, y){ //Made by DoktorSAS
textSubStr = getSubStr(text,0,text.size);
result = "";
welcome = self createFontString("hudsmall",1.9);
welcome setPoint("CENTER","CENTER",x, y);
welcome setText("");
color = textSubStr[i]+textSubStr[i+1];
if(color == "^1" || color == "^2" || color == "^3" || color == "^4" || color == "^5" || color == "^6" || color == "^7" || color == "^8" || color == "^0" || color == "\n"){
result = result + color;
result = result + textSubStr[i];
if(i == textSubStr.size){
welcome setText(text);
welcome setText(result);
wait 0.15;
welcome setText(result + "^7_");
wait 0.15;
wait 2;
welcome setText("");
self iprintln("Whats Inside: \n # ^1NO ^2Perk ^7Limit \n # ^1Zombies ^7Counter");
}drawZombiesCounter(){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level.zombiesCountDisplay = createServerFontString("hudsmall" , 1.9);
level.zombiesCountDisplay setPoint("CENTER", "CENTER", "CENTER", 200);
thread updateZombiesCounter();
updateZombiesCounter(){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level endon("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter");
zombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count();
if(zombiesCount >= 0){
level.zombiesCountDisplay setText("Zombies: ^1" + zombiesCount);
level.zombiesCountDisplay setText("Zombies: ^2" + zombiesCount);
recreateZombiesCounter(){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level notify("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter");
thread updateZombiesCounter();
waitForZombieCountChanged(endonNotification){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level endon(endonNotification);
oldZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count();
newZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count();
if(oldZombiesCount != newZombiesCount){
wait 0.05;
} -
VvWANABEEvV Uhm... Its weird, where you putting he file on? Because i made this and should work correctly.
Tell me in wich folder you put the mods -
Sorex I put it in:
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops II\t6r\data\maps\mp\gametypes_zm -
Name of the file?
Because is weird this error -
Sorex _clientids.gsc this is also happening with every mod I use
Okey is probaly client side problem. Is not mod problem and we can't do anything. I mean i can't because idk wheres the problem -
Sorex ok thanks anyway
Sorex I have one more question when I compile my gsc, what do i do with the compiled version
VvWANABEEvV Put the compiled version on D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops II\t6r\data\maps\mp\gametypes_zm
and call it _clientids.gsc -
Sorex im dumb i was putting the original in, and when i put the compiled i didnt rename it im so stupid
Sorry to revive this old thread, but.... The issue is with anything > windows 10 1607 (Fall creators update). 1607 is the last version of windows 10 I could get it to work on. Tested till 1909 and the problem still remains. The game launches fine without any mods on the next versions, but as soon as I copy the mod files and scripts, it gives 0xC0000005. Hope it helps pinpointing the issue.Edit: Wrong thread.