download stuck
my friends is stuck at 5/745 if there has been a fix for this yet can you please help?
@binman6917 mine 2 pls help!!!!1!1111`!
Mr. Android pls help mine download is stuck at 137 pls help
It isn't stuck, it's just downloading bigger files. Be patient. If you've got good internet and it's still stuck after hours, simply close it and launch again
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my download got stuck at 159 at which point a reply came sayin "server sent GOAWAY and closed connection" i mean..that was a shocker
My download stucks at 137
rowan Mine has been going for 10 hours and is only on 30%
Well cloudflare's throttling your speeds or your internet is just bad. Just be patient, wait it out.
how to show download speed at piry.exe?
Hafiyyan Open task manager and check piry's network usage.
HannesC i ahve a similar problem where it isnt downloading any files and just starts downloading the first file again? the network usage is 0 for me. I've tried running it as administrator, but nothing seems to work
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It just leaves it on "STALLED", I suspect it could be because of how large the files are; Because it says you need 13.68 GB of storage. Is this right or is something wrong? Plus I'm on laptop, so I can't free that much space without busting or doing something dangerous to my laptop.
n00bie Forgot to mention the fact I have Win10, so it should just download, but jesus the file is saying its that huge. Impossible. (Sarcasm, It most probably is possible.)
yusufhood Piry doesn't work atm, follow this guide
n00bie Well yeah you do need to empty some space. 13.7gb is basically nothing in 2020. Also if its stalled, basically means you need to wait for more seeders, but just checked, there's enough seeders atm. Try deleting the torrent from the list and re-add it.
HannesC Okay, I'll try that. But as for the space, I'm on a Lenovo Yoga 300, and its full storage capacity is 28.5 GB, and I' only left with 2.90 GB with all the system requirements, and it's probably not safe to go deleting all that, cuz its what caused my laptop to break about a year or 2 ago; Suggestions?
n00bie You can play the game on a flash drive, or upgrade your flash storage inside your laptop.
Chase I own a flash drive, but its only 3GB.