Max players in zombies
I know they fixed the max players for zombies but its still not working, I tried sv_maxplayers is their a solution?
I am using sv_maxclients and it works fine.
//sv_maxclients "8" like this?
You would want to take out the // off it to enable it.
still not working this is the whole paragraph (im using zombies ++)
sv_offline "0" // Enables the offline mode. 1 = offline, 0 = online useful for LANs or in the case we get shut down.
g_password "" // Password protected Game Server
sv_maxclients "8" // Maximum players that are allowed in your server (1-8)
//sv_minPing "0" // Minimum ping neede to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//sv_maxPing "400" // Maximum ping allowed to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//zm_gungame "1" // Enable Pluto's custom Gun Game?
//zm_sharpshooter "1" // Enable Pluto's custom Sharp Shooter?
gts zmDifficulty "1" // Difficulty? 0 = Easy, 1 = Normal
gts startRound "1" // Starting Round. Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Auto team balancing
//gts teamCount "2" // Turn this on for grief only!
//gts magic "0" // Remove all supernatural assistance? Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts headshotsonly "1" // Headshots only? Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts allowdogs "1" // Allow Hellhounds? Only Survival has this option!
//gts cleansedLoadout "1" // Allow players to choose their Loadout? Only Turned has this option!
//set g_loadScripts "0" -
Yo_Angelo nevermind i figured it out
what did you type into console to get it working?