I Have question
Ok so the !updatepluto.bat does not work for me what should i do Dss0
Acrillx where is it located? Is the plutonium launcher in the same folder?
I have some kind of older bo2 pluto download that used piry.exe at the time or something so it does not included the pluto thing but i have put plutonium into my game folder anyways -
Dss0 It does not even open
i double click it and nothing happens
Oh shit im sorry im stupid asf i figured it out
i didnt know i had to have the plutonium launcher+updater in the same folder im so stupid im sorry
it also seems to me i fucked something up again
Acrillx your folder is called ".main" but it needs to be "main" without the dot.
oh ok somewhere on the forums i thought it said /.main but i guess not
Acrillx it said ./main, ./ just means that the main folder has to be created in the root directory. root directory = your game or server folder.
i also forgot to edit the code in one of the important files so thats prob another reason
i know i messed something up i went to look back on the posts i made but i cant find what you said about the ip i think something about it should be the 127 one but im not sure and i have it set on the right port so i do not know whats happening and i know i am getting the server almost setup because im getting a heartbeat but no ping requests -
same thing pops up but obv with diff ip -
i put yes for the t6 parser
i will just go talk to a iw4 person because you said i should because you guys cant really help with this im sorry about the trouble
Im so fucking close i got it to work and now i just gotta find a way to join my server lmfao