Blackscreen when i hit "play"
When i start Bo2 a blackscreen who looks like a loading but nothing happend, must AltF4 to exit of this
Do you hear ingame sounds running in the background? Try alt tabbing and selecting the bootstrapper window (black cmd window) and type
r_fullscreen 0
, thenvid_restart
in it. -
No i dont hear anything, i can't alt tab i just can altF4 or the windows keyboard key. I have an error "error during inizialisation"
Oh your game files are corrupted/incomplete. Follow this guide to repair your game.
K but i already have bo2 on steam but only the multiplayer, must i download the campaign too to run plutonium ?
Literally just follow the guide mate. It'll repair your files you won't have to do anything else, plus no campaign doesn't make a difference, pluto doesn't even support campaign.
k thank's