How to get the round number in SyD !Help
Can someone help me how I get the round number in SyD mode, I ask it to know what round I am in when I reappear and from there execute certain code in a certain round.
I have the following code:
onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(!isDefined(self.isFirstSpawn)) { self.isFirstSpawn = true; self iprintln("^5Black Ops 2 - Script ^7| ^5Weapons ^7and ^5attachments ^7restriction ^5| ^7By: ^2Kalitos"); WelcomeMessage("^5Welcome ^7To ^2Maniacos ^7Server"); } //Other code } }
What I want is that it only appears once, I tried it in TDM mode and it works, but in SYD mode it doesn't work, because I think that in each round it takes it as if it were its first appearance.
Your post is very hard to understand, it might be best to re-word it.
Edit: Much better, I hope you get the help you need.
Kalitos For serch and destroy u can use the teams score to see wich round is, i use this system on to make mapvote working only for the last raund
Sorex Can you do an example in code?
You can use
[[level._getteamscore]]( "teamname" )
where team naem can be axis or allies
Sorex I was thinking about it, and if I implement it as you recommend, it would not achieve what I need, since if I connect in round 3 and it is my first appearance, I would not receive the welcome message.
Kalitos u need to use some math, for every round ended thera a winner to know if is ther third round make the sum betwen axis score and allias score, i used a different solution to make mapvote working only on last round. With this u can semplified your job
currentround = game["roundsplayed"]+1;