Custom Message Over Time Help
Hi guys, like the title says, did anyone know a code, o the function for send messages over time?, i mean, something like over 5 minutes or 15 the server send a message giving the discord link, or the rules, and stuff like that, im just starting my own server a few days ago and idk how to put that kind of message. Thanks a lot
I use a function to scroll message on top of the screen. I prefer this the normal printing on bottom left. Change the string inside the " " and ut what you want.
call in the init level thread message_area_manager(); and thats itaffectElement(type, time, value){ if(type == "x" || type == "y") self moveOverTime(time); else self fadeOverTime(time); if(type == "x") self.x = value; if(type == "y") self.y = value; if(type == "alpha") self.alpha = value; if(type == "color") self.color = value; } message_area_manager(){ // Developed by DoktorSAS level endon("game_ended"); level.message_area = createServerFontString("hudsmall" , 1.2); level.message_area setPoint("CENTER", "CENTER", -1000, 220); level.message_area setText(""); msg = []; i = 0; msg[0] = "^5Discord ^7-> ^^5nCP2y4J"; msg[1] = "Donate to support the server -> ^"; msg[2] = "Invite friends in the ^5discord ^7-> ^^5nCP2y4J"; msg[3] = "Invite friends to play on the server"; msg[4] = "^5Discord ^7-> ^^5nCP2y4J"; msg[5] = "Support the ^5project"; msg[6] = "Invite friends in the ^5discord ^7-> ^^5nCP2y4J"; for(;;){ level.message_area setText(msg[i]); level.message_area affectElement("x", 0.5, 0); wait 15.5; // Change this wait to change the time to go to the next message level.message_area affectElement("x", 0.5, 1000); wait 0.5; level.message_area setPoint("CENTER", "CENTER", -1000, 220); i++; if(i >= msg.size) i = 0; } }
chese there also auto message of iw4m xD
now i see, thanks a lot Sorex, you code its fantastic for aesthetic applications and a huge amount of partial messages
P1P0P1 No problems, is just an aniamted text xD