[ZOMBIES] Server Map Rotation: How to advantage of the new map rotation feature.
First before you can run a zombies server make sure you read this guide here:
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/13/plutot6-server-set-up-guide.In order to properly run a server with rotating maps you'll need these configs from here:
https://github.com/xerxes-at/T6ServerConfigs.In main/dedicated_zm.cfg you'll need to add one new line above "map_rotate" like this:
sv_maprotation ""
Next you'll need to populate sv_maprotation with maps for your server to run:
sv_maprotation "exec zm_classic_processing.cfg map zm_buried exec zm_standard_town.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_grief_cellblock.cfg map zm_prison"
In order to change the maps to anything you'd like you'll need to understand the two keywords used. The first keyword "exec" determines which config the server will execute when sv_maprotation is read. The config MUST match the map or else your server won't rotate properly and most likely not be joinable. Configs are in t6r/data/gamesettings and they are named in this pattern: "zm_" + "gametype_" + "location".
The next keyword is "map" and this determines what map the server will launch. Knowing these two keywords will allow you to setup your server to run whatever maps you'd like. For example if I want to run Origins, MoTD, and Tranzit I would need to create a new sv_maprotation that looks like this:
sv_maprotation "exec zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb exec zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison exec zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit"
Use "//" to create comments like this to title your sv_maprotation so you can easily tell what maps its running:
//Map Rotation Origins, MoTD, Tranzit sv_maprotation "exec zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb exec zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison exec zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit"
If you want to only run one map at a time only include a single config and map in sv_maprotation like this:
//Only running Origins sv_maprotation "exec zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb"