Linux/Wine server install tips
1/ Intro:
This post is not a guide / nor a tutorial (yet) but a memory of what I personally did to make plutonium work on Linux/Debian.
I hope it will help you guys configuring a COD BO2/MW3 server using recent WINE version with ESYNC patch (better performances)
This technic can be applied to other games with few modifications, including others plutonium flavors
(However, ESYNC is not going to help all games, you have to make benchmarks.)
If you follow those steps and find issues feel free to post them here, and I will try to make corrections.2/ Preparation:
Let's start, assuming you have a computer / VM running an updated Linux version (tested with current Debian stable here).
It will be easier with GUI as a starting point.
I suggest making it work with a GUI VM/PC and then port it to a headless machine (or make the current one headless) when it's working well.Install distro version of wine (to get required deps):
su - dpkg --add-architecture i386 apt update apt install wine wine32 wine64 libwine libwine:i386 fonts-wine
create an account for your gameserver:
adduser codbo2server
Now, logon to your new account with graphics.
3/ Installing last Wine:
Download wine tkg from GITHUB:
For instance: wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64.tar.xz
extract to ~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64install your new prefix:
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 ~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64/bin/wineboot
4/ Installing .NET:
Download last winetricks script from GITHUB:
install dotnet472:chmod +x ./winetricks WINE=~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64/bin/wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 ./winetricks --force dotnet472 corefonts
Note: this step will take a while and will ask you for multiple confirmation in the installation process
Note2: if it fails (sometime install script can get broken...:-/) please search a little bit on Google before asking here...
Note3: when installer ask for reboot, do not rebootrestart your wine prefix:
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 ~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64/bin/wineboot
Note++: There is a free replacement of .NET : MONO , you can try it but for that you will have to use another clean wineprefix.
5/ The game:
Put your game in your new created prefix.
Personnaly I created a CODBO2/CODMW3 folder in the prefix dir
According to previous steps, put game files in:
~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2/drive_c/CODBO2Now you have to put plutonium files in the game directory.
While it is possible to use the launcher update feature, I personally end up copying files from my PC because I had problems running the plutonium launcher GUI inside wine.
It launches and download files, but the GUI was not displaying correctly and it instant-crashes if I click.I assume you now have all the files from Game and Plutonium in the game directory.
Now, download required configuration files:
Put them in the game directory (.bat files are not needed)6/ Launch:
You can now try to launch the gameserver with a script like this:WINEPATH=~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64 export WINEARCH=win32 export WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 export WINEESYNC=1 KEY=<YOURKEY> CFG=dedicated.cfg PORT=27116 $WINEPATH/bin/wine $WINEPREFIX/bin/plutonium-bootstratper-win32.exe t6mp 'C:\\CODBO2' +set key '$KEY' -dedicated +set sv_config $CFG +set net_port $PORT
If it works, congratulation you have your working proof of concept :).
Server is running on last wine / ms dotnet / esync enabledNote that wine/dotnet is very memory hungry, idle server take 500MB+ ram and it will keep growing while players get connected.
7/ Further work:
Next you can Google :
- screen: to allow it to run in a convenient headless context
- systemd: to make it start at boot
- alotofotherstuff : tons of other cool possible features
(autorestart/autoupgrade for instance)
It's really good, it will help Linux beginners
8/ Update 09/01/2021 :
In order to lauch the plutonium built-in updater you need those things:- install dotnet48 :
WINE=~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64/bin/wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 ./winetricks --force dotnet48
- install d3dcompiler_47 (native):
WINE=~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64/bin/wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 ./winetricks d3dcompiler_47
- install vcrun2005 and vcrun2019 (native):
WINE=~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64/bin/wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 ./winetricks vcrun2005 vcrun2019
GUI will launch correctly and start update process without crashing when you click on it. But when the update is finished it may crash if you have no 3D accel (it is the case for me because i'm running it on a VM).
Still not very usable for automation because the GUI is still showing, even with "-update-only" because at the end of the process it stay opened. maybe a good idea for an update ?
A silent/terminal option would be a great feature ...
PS: Devs, pls tell me if I missed something..
You could try to register ping.exe as debugger for the launcher, that's what I did on windows to get rid of the launcher.
Xerxes How did you do that ? I know how to attach gdb but how do you attach another exe ? is it a non-documented plutonium feature ?
It's a windows feature that with a bit of luck works with wine too.
Finally, I ended up with another solution:
- launching plutonium.exe in a xvfb screen (so no more display)
- monitoring tcp/http connection of plutonium.exe with lsof to catch end of download
It seems to work atm !
That seems a bit over complicated considering the updater and launcher are 2 different executables, so starting the updater and then waiting until the launcher starts would work too.
But good job as long as it works!
Problem is that at the end of the update process, the update windows stay opened waiting for confirmation so i dont think I had other choice...
Anyway, the trick is pretty easy (exports from previous script needed):
Xvfb :99 -ac & pid=$! DISPLAY=:99 $WINEPATH/bin/wine $WINEPREFIX/plutonium.exe -install-dir 'C:\\CODBO2' -update-only while [ ! "$(lsof -i | grep plutonium)" ]; do sleep 1; done sleep 30 while [ "$(lsof -i | grep plutonium)" ]; do sleep 1; done killall plutonium.exe kill -9 $pid
Note1: you may need to install killall :
apt install killall
Note2: you may need to launch the script in root to have the right to execute xvfb (not sure), but updater need to be executed by user, so you can add (in front of wine command) :
su <user> -c <command line ...>
chacha18 said in Linux/Wine server install tips:
WINE=~/.local/share/wine/wine-6.0-rc5-staging-tkg-amd64/bin/wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefix/CODBBO2 ./winetricks --force dotnet48
none of this shit work
Jimo very helpful coment...