How to download the IW5 Base-game
Mr. Android
For who forget to download the game in english( like me lol).
Go here
Then click on property, select the language tab and chose english.
This will launch an update -
NSBAG Cheers bud, I'll add it to the main thread
Mr. Android how do you get the plutonium launcher? I have bo2 plutonium but do not have a launcher.
AshtonRocks There will be a new thread when the countdown hits 0
Mr. Android How long before controller support is added? I was originally a console player. Super excited for this game!
Mr. Android Thanks for the info btw
AshtonRocks You can use Steam Config for now, we don't know how long native support will take.
Mr. Android That is fine. Hope it is soon!
Mr. Android nice
how do i download plutonium launcher?
someone link a good controller config?
try the IW4x configuration and modify the keys if there is a problem.
when i try to play some maps, it says "menu content not avaliable" anyone know why?
Hyzos Matches are played on dedicated servers only
( -
So the launcher dload and extensions aren't working and the link to those aren't working. help?
@iiWxrriors Explain your problem better
The launcher exe don't work as in I can't access link
@iiWxrriors DL here: (
Then you copy and put it here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3execute and wait for the update to be done
yunagz Discord?