COD BO 2 | Cheater friendly servers disabling codcaster
I agree, both.
I will do. Thank you. -
Cahz said in COD BO 2 | Cheater friendly servers disabling codcaster:
MrTmax said in COD BO 2 | Cheater friendly servers disabling codcaster:
More and more cheaters are destroying plututonium
Within only some weeks I have a big collection (capture videos) of cheating noobs.
I think you are underestimating the cheater problem.
Can you provide these videos? Otherwise there is no evidence and these players who might be hacking could continue to ruin games.
In hindsight, there are plenty of good players on the Plutonium servers and I see inaccurate hackusations all the time. I was literally called out yesterday for using wallhacks on IW5 because I pubstomped 1 game. Maybe you got outplayed
I completely agree to this post. We also barely get any people complaining about the fact that there's cheaters in their games. We get at max 1 thread like this one per month.
RektInator from everyone whoโs playing Pluto thank you for keeping the cheaters away
Best anti cheat
Cheater or not:
Lagging like hell, hitting like bot. -
MrTmax how's he hitting like a bot? He's missing alot of shots. Definitely no cheats here.
At like 55 seconds you see him pre aim a corner that nobody is near, he then also gets too caught up jumping down that he misses the 2 guys just off screen to his right and does not try to lock on when trying to kill them both and dies. IMO if he had hacks, he would have been more aware of those 2 guys in that scenario, with a wallhack he would have seen them earlier.
Ultimately I don't think anything in that clip would satisfy the community that this guy deserves to be banned for a week / forever. He seems to have pretty good map knowledge and spawn knowledge, as for the lag, on his end he may not really experience much, or might be used to playing on higher ping servers. He's certainly got good FPS though since his movement is fairly good.
This guy has played here for years now and in the early days we had many many many hackusations about him, I know for a fact he doesn't hack yet at times I can see why so many others don't believe it.
It's not uncommon to find people who seem too good, alot of people have been nolife-ing CoD for 10+ years, many of them know where people will be, where to look, where to pre-aim and also be able to hear people a mile away. Alas, that is the PC Gaming life.
- Ping > 100
- Lagging like tetris
here some scenes, as example:
3:34really, no cheats?
MrTmax what does lag have to do with cheats? 100% no cheats, just knows the map like android said.
Did you checked scenes?
You can see how crosshair is jumping.This kind of fast and precise aiming is not possible, if game is lagging like tetris.
MrTmax the specator mode doesn't represent how the player you're spectating sees his game, it's not like a video stream. He probably barely has any lag on his side, maybe a bit of a delay on hitreg.
Come on .... Check 2:30
Player is confirming "No shit im lagging im 100+ ping". -
MrTmax ffs. There is no cheats here.
enemy is clearly visible before he takes the shot, after that it's just quick reflexes.
Maybe someone else wants to give their opinion? -
Timecode?In every case, thank you very much for following up this issue.
MrTmax said in COD BO 2 | Cheater friendly servers disabling codcaster:
Timecode?The kill he gets after 2:30
Dss0 said in COD BO 2 | Cheater friendly servers disabling codcaster:
Maybe someone else wants to give their opinion?
Definitely not cheating. What you are seeing is the combination of skill, high-ish ping and a low server tickrate.
Most deaths in that video would not have happened with cheats, sometimes he reloads while an enemy is close by but not yet visible even though he has plenty of ammo to kill him, especially with a cheat. Or just plainly shooting empty corners.
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Sorry, there is a misunderstanding.
I only wanted to highlight text dialog with the player:
The player self confirmed (in the text dialog) lags and high ping. -
Not told there is an cheat @ 2:30 -
you really cant take he is not cheat as a answer its clear that the dude is not cheating and yet you continue to swear up and down he is like I have said before if you have such issues make your own server then you can ban who ever you like on it.