Hi, I want to know how much time I have left
I want to know how much time I have left to ban my MartinLaik account
sign into the launcher to find out
is that the days go up when I log in and if the days go up I will finish uninstalling plutonium something that I do not want
Martin1L they will only go up if you login with new accounts instead of the one that you were originally banned on, it also tells you that in the ban message.
It seems permanent to me, is there no way they can remove the ban from me? or I just uninstall everything, the truth is that I like Bo2 But if the prohibition is not removed I can not do anything against it
Would you mind explaining why your account is linked to literally dozens of connections from Chile? Do you use an internet cafe maybe?
I don't understand what you mean, the other time my brother told him that we don't speak English very well because we have a translator to communicate with you, we live in Chile
But if you can let me play again I would appreciate it, is that bo2 I played it before with my cousins ββand I liked it
eres un listo martin
porque dices eso , yo no eh hecho nada , me banearon por hacer trampa , nose si es por que intente hacer un truco de youtube de como conseguir la raygun pero no me salio
Can you please forgive me, I've been a month already, and I want to play bo2 with my friends again, please
reading the posts/replies is so funny in most of the threads. From the posters trying to get unbanned by constantly lying to get their way, to an unbelievable amount of people not reading any of the pinned threads (which answer their question 99% of the time)
i feel so bad for the staff. But i love their replies because they speak their mind and tell the posters how dumb they are. Im gonna donate the moment i have some extra cashola. Thank you for your hard work.