I go in custom games then my friends join me throught the list and they have to wait until i finish first round to play is this normal ?
Yes they cant play 1st round, It's not that bad tho.
Xerxes why don't you let the steam system invite friends over to bo2's own game?
SweptingAce Type "zombies_minplayers num_friends" in the console so the game will wait until all players are in. Or map_restart when your friends are all in so everyone starts on round 1.
@I-ate-the-fabera Because its awful and filled with many, many RCEs.
okay thank you guys
Xerxes Can i ask wat is RCEs
Stands for Remote/Arbitrary Code Execution where the attacker can run malicious code on your PC, or pretty much do whatever he wants on your PC. It's a great security risk.
HannesC okay thank you bro