Another cheater- Tw_iBL_eR
BO2 Client Support
Tw_iBL_eR is CLEARLY using aimbot. Even when he goes to prone which he hits EVERY SINGLE SHOT EVERYTIME. The last death demonstrates this PERFECTLY. The video is currently being processed but should be uploaded by the time you come to this thread. Here is the link-
idk if you are high but I see zero aimboting in this video
Just another example of being outclassed.
do u know what good aim is? u killed him/her multiple times and only bc he/she killed u maybe once ur accusing him/her for hacking, have u seen ur own video?
Edit: Calamity must be like a trash talker or thinks that everyone is cheating or a person that accuses everyone for cheating if they kill calamity once lol
yea no cheats here.