Crosshair skipping constantly
When I try to look around my crosshair will skip and make the game basically unplayable.
Yea its a mouse polling issue that mw3 has if a mouse is over 125 hrz when it comes to pulling I am having that same issue people have said if you have razor synapse installed try closing it but I been trying to find a fix my self
FragsAreUs im using a Logitech G pro wireless
Gotta reduce your mouse polling rate.
You can also try changing the game process priority in task manager, mw3 sets it to high, try setting it to normal. -
Mr. Android i changed it and that fixed it thank you! i can finally play!
switch Just to confirm, what did you change? the polling rate or the process priority?
Mr. Android I changed the "report rate" from 1000 to 250 in the logitech hub
Wonderful - thanks bud.