Hello here I managed to create my server on an OVH VPS. I have a problem I cannot connect to the localhost IP address before it works fine on the old VPS (contabo)
currently my server is online and working perfectly
the IP address of my server and 51.178. 37.9: 27016
I specify that iw4admin is well connected to my server
I thank for your help I tried to put as much information as possible
- is not your VPS ip if you are trying to connect from another device. So if want connect not from the local area you have to use the static ip of the machine
- Have you opened the firewall ports ?
- I tested with your server ip, you did not open firewall for iw4m
I have opened the port, it must be opened when entering or leaving?
I tried with this IP address it doesn't work or
For iw4m you must open also the port 1624 -
Try also with TCP. And see if OVH ask you to open the ports also on their interface -
I tried but it still doesn't work
the problem has been solved thanks for your help
I had misconfigured iw4adnim
here is the solution