Local Host Server not showing in server list
I saw another thread with a similiar problem.
I followed the advice there and created and inbound UDP exception on port 4977.
But my server still does not show up in the list.Can anyone help me please?
(PS: my friends can connect using the command line but I'm trying to get it to show in the server list to make it easier for them)
connect localhost:4977
Here is my firewall exception. Is this all correct?
I'm not sure what else to try. -
Not all routers do support NAT Loopback so even if you did set-up everything right it might never show up for you.
Xerxes said in Local Host Server not showing in server list:
Not all routers do support NAT Loopback so even if you did set-up everything right it might never show up for you.
Should it still show up for my friends just not me?
Lupercal yes
After testing can 100% confirm server not appearing in server list for others, even when it is running and confirmed working with myself connect. Any ideas? -
Lupercal post a screenshot of your port forwarding settings.