Hmm, Bots?
I saw the topic here that asks about bots, and I did the thing that is needed to spawn bots (the sv_cheats thing and bots). They spawned, but why are they just spinning around in place? Is it a). They are programmed to just do that? b.) I am doing it wrong/missing something in the FAQ/just impatient to see them move on their own? or c.) MW3 in plutonium is for online play and no bots?
BornOfFire Bots currently only do that, and mw3 is primarily for online play. If you want to play solo with bots, you'll have to settle for that.
there is a bot warfare mod being worked on as of right now
BornOfFire mw3 has no bots, but the plutonium staff added them, normally they would just spin and shoot, but now they stand still, dont know why, maybe because of the last update, hopefully itll be fixed for the next patch
FragsAreUs Hey bots now stand still without Mods I mean, It was kinda better when they spinned and would shoot because it made it funner and easier to hunt them down, I hope you would somewhat re add that behavior as I understand that Making the bots fully Intelligent is hard, but what was accomplished a month ago was still very good, will the bots be able to move again once I spawn them please?