commands that don't work
There is this Certain Command I really want working that I can see in the options of the Console Menu "AllitemsPurchased" which allows me to have all the guns and weapons even tho I am not max prestige, I hope somehow this Command can get working, as I would like to grind for the Gold Skin Myself, I hope just someday you may get this simple command Working, this will be a Really great and quality of life Improvement for me
Challenge camos do not unlock on Plutonium as of now.
You will have to download the Gold/Diamond camo stat files for now. --
It's not as simple as you think to add new commands.
Challange Camos Work for me, as whenever I get headshosts on how many it asks me, I exactly see the Camo Unlocked, would you like me to maybe send you a SS? My Main question there was, why the Command "AllitemsPurchased" doesn't work even tho it's there when I type that in the COmmand Console, such as "AllitemsPurchased 1"
Vyrozka You are trying it on dedicated servers or public match/custom games?
Pistakilla on the Public Match option, you know where I sorta "Look" for matches but I just pick a game mode, then type XPartygo in the lobby to begin the Match
thing is in the Menu The Command of "AllitemsPurchased" doesn't do anything, I hope it can get working somewhat, where it does what it says it does, where I can be level 1 and purchase every gun and perk, by putting in the Command -
Vyrozka said in commands that don't work:
Pistakilla on the Public Match option, you know where I sorta "Look" for matches but I just pick a game mode, then type XPartygo in the lobby to begin the Match
thing is in the Menu The Command of "AllitemsPurchased" doesn't do anything, I hope it can get working somewhat, where it does what it says it does, where I can be level 1 and purchase every gun and perk, by putting in the CommandBecause it exists but is not implemented on the release version of BO2. If you want to unlock everything, you can use
. -
RektInator Is there a way I can unlock all without hitting max Prestige? I sorta wanna rank up myself, Maybe that Command will just be implemented and worked into Plutonium BO2 soon sometime , can you say anything about it?
Vyrozka It won't be.
RektInator is there atleast another way then I can unlock every item in the Game without needing to Prestige? maybe even just somehow get unlimited Unlock Tokens? something