FOV vs FOV Scale (ADS accuracy & sens)
Hello! This is my first post on the forum, so I hope I'm doing this right haha. Anyway, I wanted to talk about FOV vs FOV Scale. Reference the picture below, compare top to bottom.
Starting, "fov" is the base FoV value, "fovScale" is the FoV multiplier. For example, if you preferred 90 fov... you'll choose from the following:
90 x 1 = 90 fov ----------or---------- 65 x 1.38 = 90 fov
On the left you can see on both versions of 90 overall fov, the edges around the screen match eachother. On the right, the ads is different. The upper picture is far more zoomed in, this results in a sensitivity increase when you ADS. The higher base fov you play on, the bigger difference ADSing on fovScale 1 is going to make. This is going to be the deciding factor as to which will be more comfortable for your play style. Commands to make these changes are listed below.
cg_fov 90 60-120 recommended
cg_fovScale 1.3846 1-2 -
Dalaxer Hello ! The problem is that the cg_fovscale this resets every part / =
how to do i change my ads fov. What do i need to type in
@RyanChungster cg_fov for the base fov.
and cg_fovscale to set the fov ads.
as in the example show.
Finally both touch the base fov but the fovscale also moves the fov ads unlike the other.
DoudouToutDoux Am I wrong in this post? I use 65x1.38 and it gives me base 90fov and fixed the ads to where its not zoomed in. fovscale changes my regular fov and ads
Dalaxer Precisely you have good ahah. I was just explaining it differently to our friend. ^^
The problem is simply that you have to do the manipulation every time you start the game.
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I want it so it looks like the 100fov in warzone while ads,I dont want it to look so zoomed out