Game Crashes midgame
John Sinclar What antivirus do you use?
HannesC Avira Free Security
Not really a good AV, try adding exclusions to %localappdata%/Plutonium. If that solves it, good. If it doesn't, uninstall Avira.
HannesC so found the location for the folder what do i have to add now? im not that good with pc stuff
John Sinclar you exclude the Plutonium folder located in %localappdata% from scanning. Should be accessible via the real time protection options:
Dss0 ok i excluded the folder so it doesnt scan it i try to play again and see if it works
Dss0 so i put the folder in the excluding thing and it lasted longer but it still crashes so i guess i have to get another AV programm?
Just uninstall it. Defender comes shipped in with windows and is gonna activate as soon as you uninstall the other AV. Its better as well.
HannesC i uninstalled the AV programm and it still freezes this time it froze sooner again,
i also tryed to set my FoV back to 65 because the bootstrapper.exe said "not allowing server to override saved dvar "cg_fov" but its still crashing -
Yo tengo tambien el mismo problema, pudiste solucionarlo?
Never had this happen to me