Need help for setup console command
Hi, I am trying to learn coding on BO2, to make my settings automatically, could someone tell me where is the error in this? in order to be able to the IG setup
{self setClientDvar("r_dof_enable", 0); self setClientDvar("r_lodBiasRigid", -1000); self setClientDvar("r_lodBiasSkinned", -1000); self setClientDvar("r_lodScaleRigid", 1); self setClientDvar("r_lodScaleSkinned", 1); self useservervisionset(1); self setvisionsetforplayer("remote_mortar_enhanced", 0);
Yep i have the compiler.exe !
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@SerinityyXD no, is just didn't work ig
So i want to know what i need to do for making this working