A critical exception occured!
So I run 7 Zombie Server at once.
Server A just closes itself without any error or notification it just straight up quit the terminal.
Server B just stopped and the terminal was acting like if a command is completed. E.g. The last msg in Terminal was Heartbeat send succesfull and after that I was able to use ping mydomain.web without any issue.
Server C well... I get an error crashdump and co.
A critical exception occured!
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x00858431an exception occured! writing minidump...
minidump: C:\Users\leuth\Desktop\Call of Duty Black Ops 2 (Plutonium)\crashdumps\plutonium-r2108-2021-08-30_08-23-10.dmp
Oops! Plutonium ran into a problem and must be closed.
Crash reference ID: 794fb087fd2eb1dd.
Problem details have been written to "C:\Users\leuth\Desktop\Call of Duty Black Ops 2 (Plutonium)\crashdumps\plutonium-r2108-2021-08-30_08-23-10.dmp".
Please report this bug at https://forum.plutonium.pw/ (include the ID and file mentioned above) to help us resolve it.Crashdumb (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cUbGU7rOLESRt6g9KxpQmwJVUV5sqkIu/view?usp=sharing
If you could help me it would be super cool meanwhile I just make a copy of my server and setup a new one with everything setup from 0 besides configs they will be just adjusted.
Kind Regards
THS Owner