Paying for a server host!
If someone with the knowledge of server hosting could create & run a server for me I will pay you.
I dont want to run the server & play on the same PC & don't want to even get into the complications that may come.
All I'd want access to is access to administrator program.
BabyHalo Contact DoktorSAS#1141 on discord
Sorex they or you are not accepting friend requests.
My discord is Halo#6666
BabyHalo I highly recommend working with Doktor, he knows his stuff. If you get no answer and you're still looking for this I might be able to help you depending on what you want to do
Sorex Hi, it says he's not accepting requests at this time can you get him to add me/ or can you add me so we can discuss this Kaster#0002
Kasters The best way is to join our discord and contact him (I'm DoktorSAS). If you look on my profile you can find our website. Look at the end of History page there social, join in the Hosting discord is where i public manage all this requests.