GSC script location
I've looked through the folders for my server, but I can't seem to find anywhere that seems like I could place GSC scripts in. there's nothing in my t6r folder except for data. would I have to create a new folder or is there a directory for this?
Edit: also looking for the plugins folder since my script needs a plugin lib to work.Appreciate the help!
@AmadeusWolf /t6r/data/ is the root folder for gsc scripts. From then on it depends on where the script that you modified is located in the original game.
_clientids.gsc for example goes into /t6r/data/maps/mp/gametypes/
Also explained here: -
I don't have the /t6r/data/maps folder tho, thats my problem
also, this is for a zombies server, idk if that changes anything. -
@AmadeusWolf you have to manually create them.
alguem pode me dizer aonde escrevo um gsc? bloco de notas depois compila?