Thought on BF 2042 Beta?
Completely unrelated to this forum whatsoever. But I just want to see your opinion. For me personally, I don't know why people hype so much for this game, It's just like playing BF 4 all over again.
Oh yeah, The beta's also buggy as hell.
every battlefield beta is buggy what do you expect? they even said the build was either a few weeks or months old and alot of the issues we had have been fixed? Me personally I had really no issues with the beta and its nothing like BF 4 as you can be only operator that has a gadget and passive ability with the ability to have any gun like a sniper / aa missile launcher. But at the end of the day its a battlefield game and me personally can see my self playing it alot.
I personally liked it, I saw potential. I just wish it had been abit more of a relfection of the finished product.
I thought the map they chose was abit too open and the factions need a massive rework to make things easier. I saw nobody giving out ammo or repairs and I think that's because of the choices you have when choosing a character.
I'll be buying the game and playing it on release, just like BF4 is how I want it, it would be nice to have some of the improvements in movement to it though. (Crouch running is great).
Even though it was the worst BF beta ever its the most ambitious BF title yet. It has plenty of potential and most things broken in the beta where thinks they should be able to easily iron out.
What worries me though is how many maps / operators they already did polish since they for sure did cherry pick what we saw / were able to play. -
i installed it but never found time to play lol. from what i've seen there is alot of potential yes.