[Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated Server
I get this error while trying to start the server from the console.
Crazy_Playz it tells you what's wrong, it can't find the bo2 game files in the folder you specified in the bash script (PAT variable).
Can you update the files please? I have an invalid error ui
My server is running normally, but it does not appear in the list of servers. when I try to connect by console: connect ip: port; I get the following error: incompatible UI version ... any help ???
ff_1994 4FriendZone Error UI comes from the Binary File. Update it following the instructions :
1. Update your game on your main computer.
2. Transfer your Binary File via FTP ( I advise you to use FilleZilla )-
Win + R -> %localappdata%\
Copy Plutonium File and Paste in your server file
3. Re-launch your server.
If it doesn't work, let me know.
Guys I have some problem when start the script:
0070:err:explorer:initialize_display_settings Failed to query current display settings for L"\\.\DISPLAY1".
0024:err:d3d:wined3d_adapter_init Failed to initialise output, hr 0x80070057.
Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_zm
Loading fastfile patch_zm
Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_zm
Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/scoreboard.lua...
connection with nix socket lost, reconnecting in 15s...
[DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
[DW][Lobby] Handling hello request...
Setting net_port to "4976" from command line.
bound socket to localhost:4976
Loading fastfile patch_ui_zm
Loading fastfile ui_zm
Loading fastfile common_zm
Loading fastfile ffotd_tu13_zm_147
scanning for plugins...
Rotating to map "zm_buried"!
server is changing maps, resetting stored team states...
Loading fastfile dlczm0_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc1_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc2_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc3_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc4_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_zm
Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_zm
Sending heartbeat...
Loading fastfile zm_buried_patch
Loading fastfile zm_buried
Loading fastfile so_zclassic_zm_buried
Could not send heartbeat to nix! Error was: non-success status code: 401Sorry for my bad english. Someone can help me? I don't know what's wrong.
Darlathan Did you correctly enter your server key or open your connection ports?
Minami said in [Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated Server:
Sorry i forgot my server key. Now this is the output:
0054:err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 000000007BC64540 "dlls/ntdll/loader.c: loader_section" wait timed out in thread 0054, blocked by 0060, retrying (60 sec)
0068:err:explorer:initialize_display_settings Failed to query current display settings for L"\\.\DISPLAY1".
0104:err:explorer:initialize_display_settings Failed to query current display settings for L"\\.\DISPLAY1".
0024:err:d3d:wined3d_adapter_init Failed to initialise output, hr 0x80070057.
Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_zm
[DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
Loading fastfile patch_zm
Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_zm
Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/scoreboard.lua...
[DW][Lobby] Handling hello request...
Setting net_port to "4976" from command line.
bound socket to localhost:4976
Loading fastfile patch_ui_zm
Loading fastfile ui_zm
Loading fastfile common_zm
Loading fastfile ffotd_tu13_zm_147
scanning for plugins...
Rotating to map "zm_buried"!
server is changing maps, resetting stored team states...
Loading fastfile dlczm0_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc1_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc2_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc3_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc4_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_zm
Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_zm
Sending heartbeat...
Loading fastfile zm_buried_patch
Loading fastfile zm_buried
Loading fastfile so_zclassic_zm_buried
Heartbeat successful. -
Darlathan looks fine?
Dss0 I don't know if everything is correct. I don't know how to connect to my server.
I'm trying to start the server in Ubuntu but it gets stuck there, any idea on why that would be?
wine-6.0.1 Running bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t6mp /home/container/T6_Server/Server/Multiplayer -dedicated +map_rotate +start_map_rotate +set key redactedKey +set net_port 25596 +set sv_config dedicated.cfg Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_mp [DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
GaryCraft Make sure you are creating the required shortcuts before launching.
ln -s ~/T6_Server/Server/zone ~/T6_Server/Server/Zombie/zone ln -s ~/T6_Server/Server/zone ~/T6_Server/Server/Multiplayer/zone
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/container/T6_Server/Server/Zombie/zone': File exists ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/container/T6_Server/Server/Multiplayer/zone': File exists
I got this:
0658:err:d3d:wined3d_adapter_init Failed to initialise output, hr 0x80070057. Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_mp Loading fastfile patch_mp Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_mp [DW][Auth] Handling authentication request... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/scoreboard.lua... [DW][Lobby] Handling hello request... Setting net_port to "4976" from command line. bound socket to localhost:4976 Loading fastfile patch_ui_mp Loading fastfile ui_mp Loading fastfile ffotd_tu13_mp_147 Loading fastfile common_mp Loading fastfile common_patch_mp scanning for plugins... Rotating to map "mp_nuketown_2020"! server is changing maps, resetting stored team states... Sending heartbeat... Loading fastfile dlc0_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc1_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc2_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc3_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc4_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_mp Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_mp Loading fastfile mp_nuketown_2020 Loading fastfile faction_seals_mp Loading fastfile faction_pmc_mp Heartbeat successful.~~~~
SoraInReal said in [Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated Server:
I got this:
yes? what are you trying to say?
RektInator how i can fixe that... the server dosen't want turn on
SoraInReal The server is on and running. As you can see by the fact that it says "sending heartbeat..." and "heartbeat successful.".
He's on but i can't find him in the browser...
SoraInReal Maybe check if you have authorized the port of your server in your firewall. If you use ufw, you can verif with
ufw status
They're open... and i have the same error