[Release] Black ops II Zombies: GunGame
sorry guys i am new here big fan of gun games can someone tell me how to install or enable it
thanks -
hey man I'm wondering how I can add this to my dedicated server I think i went in one of your gun game servers so can u help me, please
Ray0189 i don't have any gungame server, how do you went in 1 of mine gungame servers?
You have to take the code, converti the file with the code in a gsc file and put the file in gametypes_zm folder of your server -
como hago para poder jugarlo ??
que tengo que hacer?? -
I was playing Nuketown gungame and I had noticed after the MP5 it switches to the PDW but the PDW isn't in that map and just makes you have no weapon and on the left side just spams Test Test Test. I was wondering if you can fix the guns on maps
@PrincessYoshi yea, now im on my new pc, i probaly left the gun in the weapon rotation, you can remove it from the self.weapons and taht should fix it. Now i release a code for zombies speed and then i'll fix it. Continue to report bugs and problem i'll fix everything
Thank you for sharing it, I have put it on the server and it has had good acceptance, they are already asking me to increase the rooms, I will let you know any bug that the code presents
Sorex hola una pregunta como instalo el mod
how do you turn it on idk how to do the var thingy
Hi sorry im new to plutonium and I dont understand how to play this solo/how to use this code to play gun game could someone help me
Sorex how do i use it?
Sorex wow thats sick. keep up the great work dude!
Sorex i would love to see it work like the bo3 GG mod, where if you die you just lose one gun and the money you use doesnt add to the gun points
Sorex The download link is down. I would really appreciate it if you could fix it.
Ramon2212 The code is on the post
The code has been updated to a new version. Its not working as intended at the moment but the git link now link to the correct one.
You can now contribute to the code and patch issue if you find any. The old code was to outdated to be used.
The new code will add new features and will be more user firendly.
Code updated to work in two modes. Now its possible to play score based or kill based.
We did not find any issue at the moment, but if you find any report it and i will patch it. -
Sorex I have the overflowFix.gsc added to my files, however only when I try and load into a tranzit custom game (tranzit game mode) I get an error message, attached in the image below.
::: -
I can't replicate this issue. It seems to be a wrong setup of the mod. But an issue was there... i forgot to put a gunlist for transit.Now i added that so it should load a list of guns at least.
undefined Sorex referenced this topic on
8bit_shark Did you ever get this to work? I'm getting the same errors now