Buried - Disable Timebomb to prevent Timebomb Glitch
Hello everyone,
I cant find any way to disable the Timebomb not in the configs neither as scripts.
But the Timebom is abused to such a demand that players suffer from it on other Servers.
So I want to get rid of it.Any Ideas
Thank you
Put this code in a script in
:main() { replaceFunc( maps/mp/zombies/_zm_weap_time_bomb::add_time_bomb_to_mystery_box, ::add_time_bomb_to_mystery_box_override ); } add_time_bomb_to_mystery_box_override() { return; }
JezuzLizard said in Buried - Disable Timebomb to prevent Timebomb Glitch:
So basically I create a .gsc like this:
//Place into scripts/zm/zm_buried init() // entry point { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onplayerspawned(); } } onplayerspawned() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); } } main() { replaceFunc( maps/mp/zombies/_zm_weap_time_bomb::add_time_bomb_to_mystery_box, ::add_time_bomb_to_mystery_box_override ); } add_time_bomb_to_mystery_box_override() { return; }
Compile it, place it into the given dir and it should remove the Timebomb entirely from the chest.
Did I understand correctly, if yes damn you are my saviour !
THS.Shiniri Should work yes.