ZM - Script usefull
Hi ! There is some script i make and i find, use it if u want
ACID AND FAN TRAP TIMER : A really good timer for the traps on MOTD
B23R SEMTEX START : Start the game with semtex and B23R with the M1911
HIT : Hit marker when hit/kill zombies
HUD SHIELD : Really cool HUD for the shield on every map
INSPECT WPN : Like cold war etc, u press this button, ur character will inspect the weapon
MOVEMENTS AND VISUAL AND INSTANT NUKE : better movements and visual IG + The nuke instant kill the 24 zombies without waiting like 10 seconds to kill all.
TRAP AND BUILDABLE KILL COUNT : Trap of MOTD and Subwoofer/Tramplesteam allow to count the kill u do with.
ZOMBIE HUD PERMA...... : Cool HUD zombies left + All usefull permaperks + Galil upgraded + Bank 250K MoneyTo apply this script (only in ur custom game or solo game)
create this folder and add them intoWIN+R : %localappdata% -> Search plutonium, storage, t6, scripts, zm.
Create the folder if u not find the folder scripts or zm.Enjoy
Big thanks to Bandit#6081 and ZECxR3ap3r#2112, these guys helped me learn the basic codding etc, they are awesome! (reaper is really very strong in that)
If u need to learn how to modify or change some thing in these scripts, u have a lot of tutorial in the forum ! good luck
Naomi_ I'll hint you to release on github the source code of all the scripts. Or release it just all the source code, the source code its much more usefull then compiled file
Nice! Very useful
Nice stuff!
teh_bandit Thanks to u
Naomi_ Excuse me, I am not fluent in English, could someone explain to me what each GSC does with a more extensive English or Spanish, please.
Hook1234 Te Explico
ADIC AND FAN TRAP TIMER: Lo que hace que te muestra el tiempo para que se vuela a activar la trampa acida y turbina (Mob Of The Dead)
B23R SEMTEX START: Comienzas con una pistola de raffagas igual que en BO3 con RK5 y envez de la granadas de fragmentos comienzas con la pegadizas
HIT: HitMaker
HUD SHIELD: Te muestra cuanto tiene de vida el Escudo (MOTD, ORIGINS, TRANZIT)
INSPECT WPN: Inspeccionas el arma como en Modern Warfare Y Cold War.
MAX AMMO CLIP: Cada vez que agarras un max ammo se llena las balas y el cargador tambien como en COLD WAR.
INSTANT NUKE: Hace que la explosion de la bomba nuclear mate mas rapido los zombies
TIMER ET TIMER ROUND: Te muestra cuanto tiempo llevas de juego y cuanto tiempo sobreviviestes las rondas.
ZOMBIES HUD PERMAPERKS FRIDGE AND BANK: No tengo la menor idea de que sirve.
Mr.MaPSaBino Sos un amor
Naomi_ How to put the INSPECT WPN key:
Hook1234 fuego alternativo en Combate y te vas donde dice Interactuar y abajo de usar dice fuego alternativo le das en cualquier letra y ya estarias inspeccionando el arma
Mr.MaPSaBino Sos magico
"acid and fan trap timer" patch crashes after 1300 fan trap uses
(i was testing with macro) -
Naomi_ once an hour passes, the round timer is too far right and the seconds get partially cut off. Is there any way to fix this?
can someone make another download link with media fire or github? mega won't let me download because of its stupid download limit policy
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Sorex was about to ask that too, im learning alot from the sources i can find (with alot of ideas to do but not doing anything cuz it would be just copy-pastes of alot of gsc found throuout the forum)
Naomi_ Hi, so I followed the instructions exactly as described and when I start a solo game the timer doesn't show up. I only dropped that file in the scripts folder cause that's all I wanted but it isn't displaying in game. Is their a console command to enable it or should it automatically be enabled once I spawn in? Here is my exact file path.
Please get back to me ASAP. thanks
@CJ-Panza-Whooo The path is localappdata/Plutonium/storage/t6/scripts/zm.
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Where can I find the source code for these scripts? I'd like to edit the uncompiled versions of these .gsc's