The dlc is not complete
Wzx_Brandon Nothing wrong here. If you want help use actual words
honestly if you already own the game on steam, just install the plutonium base game cause its just overall safer and it fixes voices that are bugged when using steam, even tho the voices overlap (wonder when that update is rolling in
Resxt The dlc file is not complete because I have seen videos on youtube tutorial videos on how to download it and they appear more files and I only get those
Wzx_Brandon probably cause the videos are outdate, there has been some updates and some folders got removed or moved the the plutonium folder were the bootraper is, one that got removed was the t6r folder which no longer exists but you can create it to add like custom textures and stuff, dont worry about it that game will run fine
Wzx_Brandon they are complete.. no idea what you saw but i'd take the official pluto docs over random videos.