Changes since thread was last updated (curr version v0.4.3)
Renamed --backup to --manual-backup Creates a backup and then exits Disabled backups by default Use --backup to enable backup creation while updating Changed build action to ubuntu-20.04 to lower min. required glibc version Replaced serde & serde_json with nanoserde Added --cdn-url to --help and documentation Added -e/--exclude -e, --exclude "file|folder Exclude file or folder from update Can be used multiple times Example: -e "games/t6mp.exe" -e "storage" Renamed --plutools and --plutools-list to --archive and --archive-list --plutools and --plutools-list still exist as aliasesLauncher Support
Request support for the Plutonium Launcher, please wait at-least 1 day for a reply, it can get busy.
How to install the Plutonium Launcher (plutonium.exe)
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Common Launcher Issues & Solutions
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Why is my antivirus saying Plutonium is a virus? - Solution
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[Linux/Windows] Server updater
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