[Release] [Zombies] Director's Cut
@Tentha The need to re-buy quick revive each time, instead of just receiving it back automatically, and to upgrade the staffs in the box.
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@Tentha yes I'm saying currently it is doing the opposite of IW, currently you get it back automatically which is not authentic
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@Tentha Update live, feel free to download the latest version.
is the upgraded sliquifier buffed or just aesthetich? is it possible to have the camo applied to it when pap'd?
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Pastore65 This is the actually cut upgraded version of the gun left in the game by 3arc, but sadly no pack camo exists. The difference is the original sliquifier pools lasts 24 seconds on the ground, where as the upgraded version lasts 36; making it very good for camping. There are no differences beyond that.
teh_bandit Ty bandit ^^ amazing mod as always btw
Any way to port something like phd for all maps even if the perk is not there?
Hi, would this work on all servers?
EliteGamer687 It only works on games you host or servers that are running the script
VERsingthegamez Functionality? Yes. Assets/Materials/Hud? No.
VERsingthegamezreplied to teh_bandit on Feb 16, 2022, 4:47 PM last edited by VERsingthegamez Feb 16, 2022, 6:47 PM
teh_bandit so you could add it and it just will not be a perk on the hud?
VERsingthegamez Yes you could.
VERsingthegamezreplied to teh_bandit on Feb 17, 2022, 3:03 PM last edited by VERsingthegamez Feb 17, 2022, 5:52 PM
teh_bandit guess someone could. also I noticed a bug that the perks are not given on mob of the dead.
VERsingthegamez when does this occur?
teh_bandit When you spawn in, the perks start to appear but when you go into afterlife and revive, perks are all gone.
VERsingthegamez Bug fixed, mod updated. Thank you!
Fixed bugs regarding multiple players rejoining and respawning