adam ah yes i see what you mean, and it makes sense to want to experience it in good conditions (because consoles unfortunately are the worst thing when it comes to games conservation and preservation so we can only count on pc and it's wonderful community to keep those old games alive and running)
Presented like that i totally understand why people would want that, but as i said.. Yeah it will be dead on birth(let's hope not but most certainly it will turn this way..)
And man i'm a avid quake player and that game only have 400 people playing average, i dont care if there are not that many people, but if the steam version can sometimes pull out 300 players on BO1 MP... This third party version will be even way lessAnd for the devs, honestly yes they do it on their free time, it's not like they are paid for doing this they can't just leave their job to create a free mod online that might get sued into oblivion by activision at any time.. Just imagine how much you'd have to pay someone just in terms of hour count if you gave them the task of recreating a fully functional client with additional features and QoL improvement like controller support etc (things that aren't native to the software on itself bc activision never even bothered to do a single good PC ports (even though we are the only ones keeping their fucking games alive and the zombie running))
Hope you see what i meant ^-^PS: honestly i dont really have any nostalgia for the older cods, because i never left them, i've been playing them for all these years and i'm cumulating almost 3000 hours of playtime on COD (just the steam versions because i was playing it on console before i switched to pc in 2012), so i see those game with face value and not with rose tinted glasses, and while the zombie can be played solo and doesn't get affected by time.. The MP of almost all steam CODs suffer from having just one or two server with 15 players (and if you're lucky to live on the same continent as the server lol) and that's all.. If you don't play at peak rush hour well you can't play a match with more than 8 players... And people want them to spend all that time recreating a game that will obviously suffer from what every single one of the other cods on pc suffer from : emptiness)
but you'r right, let's give it a try, i'm not the one spending all my free time working on it so if it flops i'll just have lost the download time lol -
RektInator Its been A few years since this post is bo1 cancelled? i hope not. add it please
CARECHIMBO HE BROOO juguemos juntos cuando tengas tiempo avisame o si me miras conectado unete a mi partida jaja por lo genereal juego bo2
@Zombieteube it will have same online like in steam, dont forget about modability an aimassist on controllers
papisosa2019 hola bro claro aqui te doy mi discord para que juguemos ♤CHEE BIE♡#7775
CARECHIMBO ya te agregue broo
Big Pluto T5 MP launch lets hype it! Its gonna steal alot of time from T6 MP!
JezuzLizard this aged well lol
RektInator Thank you for dropping the alpha for zombies will multiplayer be included also when the final product is done?
ofn Yes, zombies & multiplayer will be included for the release of BO1.
EpikIzCool yeah let's hype it!
is it coming this summer?
awsome man keep it up no need to rush we all be waiting for your amazing work much love
Hilol45 For Real! MP Gang! I want working wager matches that sounds fun!
I can't wait for bo1 to release it will put us back in the old days in addition for the zombies mode we can have custom map zombies ca will be too cool