[MAP] Firing Range from COD:OL
could you please convert Raid from bo2. I dont seem to find it in map rotations on servers
Chooch We currently don't have the capability to dump fastfiles from BO2 or CoD Online to be able to do so. I would have already made a start on Raid if we could
Bubbles interesting, because i seen bo2 grind, bo2 rush and bo2 carrier already ported. well ill wait than
Chooch Those would be CoD4 remakes rather than actual ports from BO2 (I don't doubt that some of them would look good, but I wouldn't exactly call them ports from BO2)
Bubbles Correct. Thats what i mean. I mean the remade maps for COD4, not the actual BO2 Maps
Chooch We can look into it then. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard
Bubbles can you port crossfire map from cod4
jdhruv I can give it a go later. I was planning on fixing Scrapyard and Crash, but I guess I can do it
Edit: it's already been ported by someone else
Bubbles can you please send a link to it
it would be gratefull -
jdhruv I don't have a link for it and I don't really have the availability to be able to find one
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