SeniorAdmin Cheating.
@leonre4 bro.. i play against him sometiems, he always does it
helpless does he hear him through the wall and just aims at where he thinks the sound is coming from?
Dss0 yeah, pretty much
@leonre4 these clips are much better
Ryinxr These clips, what doesn't it means exactly? Wow he fire up through the wall on Nuketown, the worst map to get killed though that. Look the video especially 0:04, he literally seeing that guy.
Its not cheating. There are community and group of friends that enjoy to do this clips for fun. The play a lot to hit this clips that seems cheating.Consider that other then sounds his friends can call enemy position.
In those clips there nothing that prove cheating.This is another user who enjoy this kind of trolling -
Sorex You send me a video of Nuketown, it's really easy, especially with friends, doing this tricks. In my video look the point 0:04, he literally aim that guy, it was pubblic match, not private match with friends, for fun. If you want I can send a lot of clips sus about this guy. I think today I'll.
Those clips are in public servers.
He don't kill his friends. -
Sorex I repeat, on Nuketown it's really more easy than the other maps, I'll send more clips about this guy, and maybe you're gonna change your opinion.
helpless great explanation for that clip ... "I play with him sometimes and he always does this" ok champ...
Sorex no wait, so he is allowed to wh troll on public servers but if someone else trolls with shields, c4 etc. is he banned, sometimes by himself? What does it mean? Some of us have been banned from those servers for calling the location of the enemies as a joke but he can do it because you don't know ... please explain me better because I'm probably not quite understanding.
He do not have wallhack, the evidence do not show proof of that (Sounds are enough to know player location).
What im syaing is "There players who do this weird kills for trolling with or without friends calling enemy position. Is not more differnet then a trickshot"Server Owners manage servers so they can do whatever they want.
Sorex Sorex this is not a "troll" kill, he literally seeing that guy behind the wall, you can literally watch this at 0:04
Sorex OK understood. So eventually even if we prove that he hacks he won't be banned anyway?
@leonre4 @Ash100HD Ask to the server owner the demo of the match. The demo is like the cinema recording. So you can spectate the player for the full game.
Sorex okok thank you
@Ash100HD if someone uses server side mod/script (the word mod/script is important here) to cheat he won't be banned, server owners/admins do what they want on their servers, just leave if it's bad. If a server use a mod menu to kill everyone etc for example be intelligent and leave.
If someone use a cheat with an injector/software and we have a proof he is banned
@Ash100HD its a great explanation, i play with him ~ i know how he plays? he plays exaclty like that.
helpless I suppose you're Russian as well.
im english, i live in england. retard.