How to make it so the default state of certain dvars are changed for every player when they join?
I'd like it so the server sets r_LodBiasRigid and r_LodBiasSkinned to -1000 for every player that joins but I can't seem to figure out how to do that or any documentation that shows how to get the server to change default dvars for every player that joins.
DoubleG17 If you want to set a client dvar you need to use GSC by using:
player setClientDvar( dvarname, value );
Some dvars can't be set by the server because of the potential for abuse though.
JezuzLizard I cannot get this command to work to save my life. I will admit I'm basically a noob when it comes to gsc. I have to use those commands using a gsc script when the server is first loaded right? I use the example gsc script and edit it with the commands I want executed via gsc and this ```
init() { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onplayerspawned(); } } onplayerspawned() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); setdvar("r_lodBiasRigid", "-1000"); setdvar("r_lodBiasSkinned", "-1000"); setdvar("r_dof_enable", "0"); self iprintlnbold("Draw Distance Enabled"); } }
works in custom games and solo but when I change the setdvar commands to player setClientDvar it doesn't change the dvars and the Draw Distance Enabled doesn't even show up on the screen so I think I'm doing something completely wrong to break the script or I'm misunderstanding how to implement the setclientdvar command. Thanks in advance.
I'm an Idiot I had to put "player setClientDvar" under the onplayerconnect function not the onplayerspawned thread