Will there be a ban for checkmate on Black Ops 1 servers
Will there be a ban for checkmate on Black Ops 1 servers
abobabus what do you mean?
Dss0 I mean that if you write in the chat ban on the servers more than 1 multiplayer will there be a ban
abobabus i still don't understand. you're asking if you'll be banned for writing in chat? ofc not but server bans are up to server hosters so they can ban you for everything. You won't get banned from pluto as a whole no matter what you write in chat.
Dss0 And that is, for a mat, plutonium will not ban me, but can the server admin?
abobabus servers are hosted by the community and it's up to whoever hosts servers to moderate them so ye they can ban you for whatever they want. plutonium won't ban you for anything but cheating.
Dss0 Okay thanks, otherwise I played on the server and as soon as I wrote a checkmate I was thrown from the server to the main menu and it was written there you were banned on this server
Dss0 Okay thanks, otherwise I played on the server and as soon as I wrote a checkmate I was thrown from the server to the main menu and it was written there you were banned on this server
abobabus yea so you upset some admin who proceeded to kick you. like i said servers are community hosted and moderated, nothing to do with us.