Looking for a dev to pay/dev my bo2 server
Hello im looking for a dev to make custom scripts and im willing to pay for the scripts, please drop me your discord and I will add you! Mine is Monologue
Explaining your goal, what scripts you want and how your server will be in the end is a good idea so that people can know what you're looking for
Resxt hey sorry for not saying what I want! Im actually looking for someone that can I add some commands for like .givepoints and support for t5 zombies for node manager, it might be not possible since I heard pluto doesnt have an rcon for t5 zombiess, the other thing would be to have a .rankup script so it use money from your bank to .rankup in ranks and get more points by killing zombies the more you got up in ranks the more it cost money, the other thing would be to remove some errors via console in node manager, sometimes when people join they cant use the .w and .d command not all players but some.
The NSM of fed its not supported anymore, use iw4m that is supported by Plutonium and XLabs.To add that chat commands we need to wait for the say waittil support from Plutonium developers. Once that is added will be possible to make this chat commands in an easier way.
Sorex can you accept my fr request on discord? I would like to discuss this with you in dms
hi, I'm also looking for a dev who could make me rank system since I ain't that experienced in gsc etc... , for more information add my discord: clean#1337