[Release] Add Missing PhD And Stamina To Maps
Soliderrorwrote on Jul 19, 2022, 5:03 PM last edited by Soliderror Jul 23, 2022, 12:55 AM
What This Script does
This script adds PhD, Stamina-up, and my custom Perk Self Revive to Select Maps That never had them.
- Download the .Zip file from here
- Unzip the Add_Perks Folder
- Open the folder, and then run the Install_Scripts_To_T5
- The Installer folder should look like this, do not run the installer on your desktop or in any other folder with other files inside!
- After Running the Install.bat open Pluto T5 and launch a compatible map.
Compatible Maps & Perk Locations:
Kino Der Toten
- PhD: Top Room Above Power
- Stamina-Up: Balcany Of Top Spawn Room Overlooking The Theater On The Wall
- Self Revive: Dressing Room By Song Rock
- PhD: Basment Morge By Box Spawn
- Stamina-Up: Basment Hallway
- Self Revive: First Room Opend In Spawn At The End of The Hallway
Nacht Der Untoten
- PhD: Upstairs Above Spawn
- Stamina-Up: Upstairs By Sniper Buy
- Self Revive: In Box Room To The Right
- Phd: Kitchen
- Stamina-Up: BathRoom By Door To Doible Tap
- Self Revive: Balcany By The BAR (In Testing this one was being a bitch and did not spwan)
Der Riese
- PhD: Up Stairs Above Tompson
- Stamina-Up: Past Big Metal Door After Power Directly To The Left
- Self Revive: Teleporter Room With The Big Steam Vents
Self Revive:
- Basicly Solo Quick Revive Without the Quick Revive (Only Works in Multiplayer, and can only be used 3 Times, Cost 8k)
Perk Icons
- The perks use unused perk icons, so the one in the photos are the real icon the perks use. Just tinted to my need.
- Myself
- Special thanks to Pistakilla For telling me a better way to call drink animation, and other very helpful things in the prosses.
hindercanrunreplied to Soliderror on Jul 20, 2022, 7:31 AM last edited by hindercanrun Jul 20, 2022, 10:32 AM
Soliderror would stam be useful on five?
also this does look nice -
hindercanrun I think stam is useful on any map to be honest with you, and especially when the Pentagon theif is chasing you, give you a tiny bit of a advantage, but not much sense he constantly runs. But I think its most useful in the basement and in the war room, where that small amount of extra stamina and recharge can come in handy to not get cornered. When making this script I made sure when you bought the perk it was put twords the perk limit, so people should choose what they want wisely, and what they need. For me my perk set up on five would be Jugg, Speed, PhD, and Stamina-up. As I like to keep running around the map as much as I can with the mustang and Sally as a backup if I get cornered.
Also considered that you in order to use the PHD, you need to dolphin dive which requires you to sprint. So I'd say PHD and Stamina are essential perks that work with each other.
that is true
how do i install on server ? linux vps
Soliderrorreplied to JZK on Jul 24, 2022, 4:49 AM last edited by Soliderror Jul 24, 2022, 7:50 AM
JZK move the
folder in to the t5 scripts folder -
hindercanrunreplied to Soliderror on Jul 24, 2022, 4:52 AM last edited by hindercanrun Jul 24, 2022, 7:52 AM
Soliderror also at the top photo that’s the jug machine but it says buy phd, is that the same issue as bo2 where phd machine doesn’t exist for most maps
or am I missing something -
Hello, I'm trying to add this to my server, and it's working, but nobody can actually buy the perks.. Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you
@2saturn I think I may know the issue, let me look at it fast.
Soliderror I found the issue. Let me fix it and make another download link.
Soliderror I forgot to add something that servers need for this to work. It's added in another script so I need to edit this.
@2saturn redownload the file now, then add ONLY the zom folder to your server. The other folders are for solo, but if you have all of them added along with the zom folder it will add the perk twice in a server.
Soliderror Thank you so much
I'll try it now
@2saturn let me know how it goes
Works great! Really appreciate it
@2saturn glad to hear that.
Installer Notice
- If you plan to use the installer and then run the game via private match or on a server please notice the following
- If you know how to install scripts manually, cool do it idc I just made it simple for people.
Private Match
- If you going to use this script in a private match please delete the
folder provided in the install folder before using the installer.bat if not then the script will duplicate in each map causing you to buy the perk twice and may even bring you into negative points.
- If you are using a server please delete all provided folders inside the installer folder except the
folder and then run the installer
Installer update
- I will update the installer at point to allow you to choose either solo/private match or server install so you don't have to do anything manually. I forgot about this problem and I want people to know these things before using the installer.
is there a way to make the PhD go off even when diving on a flat surface, I have seen this in some other servers and I'm curious how it can be implemented? Thanks
Great work my guy !