new camo coming soon
hardkiller2565 You don't make sense at all with your english.
WolflexZ its new camo that all its not out yet chill bro stop getting sensitive
hardkiller2565 lmao what I am saying is that you already told us the camo you're already making, but you say, "I'm not going to tell but you can look." Which is confusing, lol
shows a screenshot of the camo
says, "I'm not gonna to tell"
WolflexZ sneak peek, I think that’s what he means
please tell me this is gonna be for zombies
FaZe Flick nope sorry i dont make zombies camos for bo2 only bo1
if youre saying you make camos for bo1 then why is the screenshot of the camo on bo2 multi? the fact that you said that along with this photo of the camo is very confusing and a bit triggering. Not trying to be upset or anything but what you stated to me did not clarify your post.
FaZe Flick good point, but maybe the camo is a bo2 camo and he is porting it over to bo1?
he can port it to whichever game he wants but for me i think he should port it to both. Not just bo1 cause the bo2 players would be missing out.
no i make bo2 camo for mp and bo1 camo for zm this camo is for bo2 not 1
and for smaller brains i only make zombies camo for bo1 and bo2 is different game i make camo for too -
hardkiller2565 is English ur first language?
hindercanrun yes this camo will never ever touch bo1